Sunday, October 19, 2008

Chili Cookoff 2008

We are tree-huggers here. Thus we will reuse, reduce, recycle... and burn!!

Jane was in charge of decorations...

Can we get some recipes for these?? (Lamb was the fashion this year.)

And so the judging begins! Who will the chili king/queen be this year?

My money's on Phyllis.

Treasure hunt? What? Candy?

And the winners are...

New this year: a cornbread prize!

Phyllis, haven't you won enough times already? (But, your chili was really good! Where's the recipe??)

Now we are starting to feel a bit embarrassed. The hosts walk off with half the prizes? Well, it's Joann and Colin's first time... and look, the chili-lasagna is gone. It must be good... or creative, anyway.

This year, there were crowns.

The clean-up crew sorts the trash into recyclables, burnables, reusables, and actual trash...

Ah, the sight of Colin digging through the trash...

Look! No trash!

All because of Keith's artistic stopsign...

Keep making chili! :)

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